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NuGet Compatibility Chart

Different versions of vvvv are compatible with different versions of NuGets. Often the latest version of a NuGet will be the best choice. But particularly for older versions of vvvv you might need to also fall back to specific older versions of some NuGets.

Unfortunately the listings here are done manually and are therefore by no means complete. Please help us improve the listing by adding your findings, either by clicking "Improve this Doc" (top right corner of this page) or by informing us via an email to

If you find yourself in the need to downgrade the version of a NuGet, make sure to read Installing a specific version of a NuGet.

vvvv gamma 6.0

Package Version Command to get recommended version
VL.Devices.RealSense >= 1.6.0 nuget install VL.Devices.RealSense
VL.Devices.AzureKinect >= 1.5.0 nuget install VL.Devices.AzureKinect
VL.Devices.AzureKinect.Body >= 1.5.0 nuget install VL.Devices.AzureKinect.Body
VL.IO.TCP >= 0.5.0 preview nuget install VL.IO.TCP -pre
VL.Kairos >= 1.1.9 nuget install VL.Kairos
VL.Fuse >= 1.0.3 preview nuget install VL.Fuse -pre
VL.Audio.LTC >=0.1.1 nuget install VL.Audio.LTC
VL.SpoutMonitor.HDE 0.1.0 nuget install VL.SpoutMonitor.HDE -version 0.1.0
VL.Pipette.HDE 0.0.2 nuget install VL.Pipette.HDE -version 0.0.2
VL.TUIO.HDE 0.2.1 nuget install VL.TUIO.HDE -version 0.2.1

vvvv gamma 5.0

Package Version Command to get recommended version
VL.Audio.GPL >= 1.1.1 preview nuget install VL.Audio.GPL -pre
VL.Badmapper >= 0.0.19 preview nuget install VL.Badmapper -pre
VL.Devices.Astra >= 1.2.0 nuget install VL.Devices.Astra
VL.Devices.Kinect2 >= 1.3.0 nuget install VL.Devices.Kinect2
VL.Devices.Kinect >= 1.0.3 nuget install VL.Devices.Kinect
VL.Devices.LeapOrion >= 1.2.0 nuget install VL.Devices.LeapOrion
VL.Devices.RealSense 1.5.0 nuget install VL.Devices.RealSense -version 1.5.0
VL.Fuse >= 1.0 preview nuget install VL.Fuse -pre
VL.Kairos >= 1.0 preview nuget install VL.Kairos -version 1.1.8
VL.Stride.Text3d >= 1.0.1 nuget install VL.Stride.Text3d
VL.IO.TCP <= 0.4.2 preview nuget install VL.IO.TCP -version 0.4.2-alpha
VL.Audio.LTC 0.1.0 nuget install VL.Audio.LTC -version 0.1.0

vvvv gamma 2021.4.12

Package Version Command to get recommended version
VL.Audio.GPL 1.0.0 nuget install VL.Audio.GPL -version 1.0.0
VL.Badmapper 0.0.15 nuget install VL.Badmapper -version 0.0.15
VL.Devices.Astra 1.0.1 nuget install VL.Devices.Astra -version 1.0.1
VL.Devices.Kinect2 1.2.1 nuget install VL.Devices.Kinect2 -version 1.2.1
VL.Devices.LeapOrion 1.1.4 nuget install VL.Devices.LeapOrion -version 1.1.4
VL.Devices.RealSense 1.3.2 nuget install VL.Devices.RealSense -version 1.3.2
VL.Fuse 0.2.4 nuget install VL.Fuse -version 0.2.4
VL.Kairos 0.6 nuget install VL.Kairos -version 0.6
VL.Stride.Text3d 0.4.0 nuget install VL.Stride.Text3d -version 0.4.0

vvvv gamma 2021.3.0

also applies to vvvv beta42

Package Version Command to get recommended version
VL.OpenCV 1.2.0 nuget install VL.OpenCV -version 1.2.0