Text rendering
2d Graphics
For VL.Skia you have the following options:
- Skia itself comes with an extensive set of nodes for high-quality simple text rendering
- Try VL.RichtextKit for rendering richttext
- Using VL.CEF.Skia to render html content allows for complex formatted text to be rendered
3d Graphics
For VL.Stride you have the following options:
- For quick, simple Text rendering use Text [Stride.Models] (experimental)
- Use any of the above (2d Graphics) options via a SkiaRenderer or SkiaTexture node in Stride
- Using VL.CEF.Stride to render html content allows for complex formatted text to be rendered
- Use VL.Stride.Text3d for rendering extruded 3d text
- Try VL.BMFont
- Try FontStashSharp (Text rendering library addon for Stride)
- For the best available option go with the Slug library. Requires a separate license from them. If you need help with the implementation, get in touch.